Buying A Westmont Home

Are you considering a move to the Westmount, Edmonton community? The TruHome Real Estate Team would be happy to help you navigate your journey of finding the right Westmount Edmonton for you. Whether you are looking for an Edmonton house or condo, a new infill or a heritage home, we are here for you.

Let’s connect, let’s meet and let’s figure out what is best for your lifestyle.

Green house with chimney and a built in porch

We Will Help You Find Your "Tru" Westmount Home

The TruHome Real Estate Team is comprised of a group of high performing agents that are community driven and passionate about the central region of Edmonton. We believe that the best communities offer the right mix of diversity in terms of types of homes and amenities and promote commutability and connectedness to the beautiful city we live in. 

We aim to bring you valuable information backed by data and our in house knowledge of the Edmonton Real Estate Market.

Tell Us What Your Looking For

A Home Sweet Home welcome mat with packing boxes surrounding it and a persons legs lounging beside it

Can't wait to find your Westmount home and want to get started now?

Connect with us via phone, text or email.

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Tell us about yourself:
Real Estate Interests

What type of property are you looking for? The more you tell us about your real estate needs the better we can assist.

What is your budget? Provide a price range, ie: $200,000 - $230,000

Where would you like to live? What city? Area? Community?

Approximately how much space do you need in square feet?

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